Friday, 7 October 2011

Chasing paper

The job isn’t done until the paper work is….

I set myself a goal a while back to achieve sufficient CW QSO’s so that I could qualify for a WAZS-200-CW award. This basically means that I needed 200 confirmed contacts with South African stations using CW to qualify for the award. This award has only been issued once before and that was some 10 years ago.

Initially it did not seem to be such a big deal, but considering that CW is only used by a small select group in South Africa and many of those that do operate on CW are mostly old hands and many don’t have QSL cards etc.

This left me no option, but to dig into my old logs using my previous calls and see if I could find QSOs that were yet to be confirmed by QSL card.

One of the gems I found was a QSO with Al Akers ZS2U for a QRP QSO we had in 1975 (36 years ago) I took a chance and hoped that Al still had his log and that he could confirm the QSO.  I am very pleased to say that he could confirm the QSO and the card is shown below.

How cool is that ??

Getting close now, still need about 10 QSLs then my goal will be achieved.


  1. Hi Pierre,

    I hope you are well and nice to hear you again on your blog :-) I hope the trip overseas was enjoyable and fruitfull.

    Good luck in this quest of yours(200 QSO's). If I knew CW, I would give you a contact. Anyway, knowing you, you will get it done :-) .

    Good luck and all the best.


  2. Hi Glynn,

    I had a great time in EU a pity I could not play with portable QRP as I hoped to do. The wx was perfect and plenty parks with huge trees etc.

    I will be pleased to achieve the WAZS-200-CW goal. What will be next? Maybe, the Worked All Africa with QRP on CW ??

    73, Pierre

  3. Hi Pierre,

    Sorry to see that you could not operate from DL. I hope you received my 'homebrew' QSL to add to your collection? Your blog is very interesting, good job Springbok!

    73, Bruce ZS6BK

  4. Hi Bruce,

    Thanks for the QSL. I now need a further 8 QSLs. This has been a mamoth task. I am very sad I did not have my QRP radio with me on my EU tour. I had plenty spare time and the WX was great spent a fair amount of time cycling around Leipzig and the surrounding area.

    73, Pierre ZS6A
