Tuesday, 5 July 2011

QRP Contesting

A few thoughts on QRP contesting.

I guess it is no secret that I am a big fan of QRP contesting. There is no better way to prove the effectiveness of one’s station than during a well supported contest.

Sitting in the comfort of one’s shack having the ability to switch from one antenna to the next, using logging software such as N1MM, using foot pedal PTT, headset and boom mic, using the internet for spotting, using skimmers to assist in CW contests etc…. is just a awesome experience and it makes the contest experience so much fun.

On the other hand:

Sitting out in the sticks in the shade of a tree with a low tree strung dipole and using the very minimum: pencil and paper, a CW key and hand microphone (if we must) has a certain charm all of its own.

It is all about choices……


  1. And our choice is?

    Simple , now to find a tree :O)

    73 Eddie ZS6BNE

  2. I guess if the weather allows then it will be operating a minimalistic field station again. I am constantly on the lookout for potential sites that meet all the criteria for an effective and safe field station. How I envy the chaps in NA and EU…..

    TIA, but we must make the best of it.

    If there was enough CW stations around I would only operate CW using the HB-1a powered by a few penlight batteries and the tiny DCP (Dirty Cheap Paddle). That would give me the most pleasure.

    Unfortunately, to do well in the event one must be able to operate on SSB as well. That then means I will use the K2.

    73, Pierre ZS6A

  3. Got the IC-703 out and testing it with big antennas .

    Will build a 2 element wire beam facing to Gauteng
