Saturday, 24 September 2011

DL/ZS6A Not to be....

Time surely flies.

I have been in Leipzig for a week already and all my good intentions of operating QRP and portable as DL/ZS6A has been in vain.

During the packing I realized that weight and space was going to be a problem and I had no option, but to leave my HB-1a and associated bits and pieces at home. It sure is a pity since I have quite a bit of spare time. 

Leipzig has some nice parks with large trees near to my hotel.  It would have been fun to see what I could work from this portable setup.

Today (Saturday) the weather is perfect, cloudless sky with hardly a breeze. It would have been a ideal day for my planned QRP exploits.

Oh well, I guess I will have to get my CW fix by listening to the online SDR receivers.


Sunday, 11 September 2011

The Clandestine Radio Operators

Sam Tyree’s  blog refers to a interesting book.

Sure looks like a good coffee table book to have to add to our collection of books.

I guess that was early “Adventure Radio” at its best ??

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

SARL WAZS Award with CW

SARL WAZS-200 Award with CW endorsement.
The above award has only been issued once before and that was to Chris ZS6EZ in Dec 2001.
I am now in a position where I have nearly enough ZS CW QSOs confirmed to be awarded the same.
My award status:  I have 180 QSOs confirmed. With a further 9 stations worked, but awaiting QSL confirmation. So I am desperately looking for at least another 11 ZS CW contacts.
As I was typing this I heard Roger ZS1J calling CQ on 7020 kHz. Well, I worked him and now I need 10. Roger has been around for a very long time, but has been inactive for a number of years.  I am very pleased with a new one for my CW log.  He claims he is rusty, but he has a superb fist straight key and all.
Request to ZS Radio amateurs:
If we have not had a CW QSO before then please give me a call.
Don’t be concerned with being rusty, the QSO can be kept to the absolute minimum "rubber stamp" QSO or that the QSO was made possible by using a PC. I don’t care. I need the CW QSOs. You will be helping me a great deal toward reaching my goal.
I monitor 7020 kHz most of the time.
73, Pierre ZS6A